7 Essential Medical Devices In A Home
March 19, 2022


Taking responsibility for your health helps you achieve optimum health. While visiting your healthcare provider for periodic checks is necessary, you still need some essential medical devices at home to monitor your basic health indicators.

When you don’t feel good, checking your health indicators can help identify symptoms that require immediate medical attention. Certain home medical devices can monitor and detect early signs of cardiac arrhythmias, diabetes mellitus, and arterial hypertension.

Some medical devices you can have in your home include:

  1. Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

Monitoring your blood pressure at home, particularly when you are at risk of having high blood pressure and when you have been diagnosed, is important to prevent life-threatening situations.

With your blood pressure monitor, the job of health care providers becomes much easier. This is because you get to provide real-time updates on your blood pressure from the comfort of your home and receive more accurate medical treatments. Your doctor can use data from your blood pressure monitor to recommend the right medication or lifestyle changes. The digital blood pressure monitor is easy to use and gives results faster. The normal range for blood pressure is about 110/70 – 120/80.

  1. Pulse Oximeter

A pulse oximeter is a small device that looks like a tweezer. It can measure your heart rate and level of oxygen in your blood. After placing the pulse oximeter on your finger, it takes your reading. The normal range is between 95 – 98%.

Some people can have a lower reading, but if your reading goes below 92%, you may have to consult your healthcare provider. Low oxygen levels in the blood may indicate a lack of oxygen in the tissues and vital organs.

  1. Glucometer

Diabetes is a common health condition and a risk factor for other health conditions like obesity. With a glucometer, you can monitor your blood sugar levels. For people with diabetes, the data from regular home checks can indicate the efficacy of your medication and identify harmful lifestyle choices.

  1. Thermometer

The thermometer is an essential device in any first aid kit and should be in every home. It helps in determining the body temperature to assess hyperthermia. With your thermometer reading, you can know when a fever is high and requires attention from a medical professional. Your normal body temperature is 970F – 990F or 360C – 37.50C.

  1. Inhaler Machine

An inhaler machine is used with albuterol or saline water to alleviate congestion, coughing, and fatigue. It can save patients with asthma and people with severe lung and heart failure to prevent congestion while supplying oxygenated blood to the body.

  1. Pedometers and Weighing Scale

A pedometer is a simple device that shows the number of steps walked and the approximate calories you burn during any activity. It is essential during weight management and monitors the amount of calories you burn daily.

Monitoring your weight at home is easy with a weighing scale, as sudden weight gain and loss may result from health conditions like hormonal imbalance that require medical attention.