8 Desert Garden Ideas
March 17, 2022


With the limitations of desert areas for cultivating a garden, designing a garden in your southwest home can be challenging. However, several garden ideas are available, which involve other elements besides only cactus plants that are known to give a dry feel.

You can get several desert plants from your local nursery and native desert plants. If you want to have an inviting desert landscape design, you must ensure your plant options include plants with vibrant colors.

If you’re low on ideas for your desert gardens, here are some ideas you can try.

  1. Cactus Curb Appeal

A front garden fence or entry wall is always perfect for a natural backdrop. You can create a curb appeal using a cactus plant. This plant has over 1,200 species. Some serve as shrubs and ground covers, and can grow as tall as a tree.

Planting cactus plants in rows against a natural backdrop can create shadows and protect other plants from the harsh sun while having a welcoming appeal.

  1. Sculptural Rocks

Different elements can make up a garden, and there’s no perfect design to follow. You may decide to have small rocks at strategic points in the garden, then plant exotic cacti around or between the rocks. Placed beneath a mesquite tree, the cactus planted around a few rocks can create a nice picturesque view.

  1. Filtered Light

You can create a translucent wall with rolls of polycarbonate stretched across a trellis framework, then plant grapevine trees to grow over the framework and create a silhouette. Tall trees can also create shadows and filter sunlight to make your garden cool and comfortable. Before building a privacy wall, ensure your state permits it.

  1. Layered Planting

You can use the older southwestern plants to make your garden look layered. Some people prefer cactus plants because trees may grow taller than expected. With a cactus plant, your garden can be 15 feet tall, then other sizes of plants can be available for the layered garden structure.

  1. Ocotillo Fencing

Ocotillo is a historical plant common in ranches. Packed tightly around your garden, ocotillo can serve as your garden fence, and the branches can sprout leaves, creating a natural fence.

  1. Rare Species

Sourcing a rare desert plant species like a plant in the Agaves family can add beauty to your garden. Opt for plants with striking foliage, particularly variegated leaves, and place them at strategic locations in the garden.

  1. Water Fountains

Building a water fountain in your garden creates a relaxing and relieving spot, especially in desert gardens. You can have a natural-looking fountain in the garden with bowls or rocks and plant bright-colored shrubs or ground plants around. For example, planting a desert marigold will give you a nice view of the water fountain in your garden.

  1. Hardscape

If you want to create a classic desert garden appeal, place traditional building materials or create walls with dry-stacked stone and mud, then plant various desert shrubs, grasses, and perennials. Be sure to have a few cactus plants, and you can throw in contemporary items like concrete for a hardscape effect.